The power of wild nature – Mother Land: An ecovillage in Sardinia

Sardinia is a wild island, probably the last wild place remained in Europe, at least if you want to have the sea, mountains, forests, dunes and stone buildings of 2000 years old. Yes, Sardinia is all that and much more.

To discover what we were missing we went to Terra Madre (Mother Land) an ecovillage like no others. We met Silvia and Elia, two amazing people we had the chance to interview. They talked about how society puts so much pressure on you to do things that are not good for you, the planet or others.

In our chat we took the time to think on what we truly need to live an happy life. Turns out we don’t need that much at all. So why do we work so much? We could just live in tune with nature and do as little as possible, like in a flow.

Yes sure… It’s not that easy though: we feel guilty if we don’t work hard, if we don’t struggle. Maybe it’s because we are too used to suffer, maybe this feeling is deeply rooted inside us, maybe it’s because we think the model we are following from the mainstream society is the only good one for us.

Defining good:

  • established for long time (which is not if you think how long mother nature runs things compared to the government),
  • with stable perspective for the future (we believed that till some decades ago but now the illusion is gone, just look at Covid and the Ukrainian war)
  • that can be shared by many (as humans is really important for us to have others approval so we rather do something we don’t believe in and that can even hurt us than be alone, but again this is a wrong thought because there are many people all over the world who believe in a different way of living life, from energy consumption to valuing our time, from defending animals to empowering ourselves and not the system).

We can change things! We can prioritise health, our inner wisdom and take the necessary time to re-connect with ourselves.

This interview is more than an interview. We are not interested in showing a lifestyle for the sake of showing off. We want to deliver a message, a message of hope towards new (alternative) way of livings. Because we should believe more in ourselves, listen more to our body and do the things that makes us and others good. Forget about struggling to possess something, forget about buying things; reconsider needs, wealth and community.

The community aspect is key in our everyday life. Something really hard to have these days especially in big cities (it’s easier to talk to someone on the other side of the world than to our neighbour) but so important as it makes us feel on the right path just because we are not alone but we can share with the person next to us our deepest feelings.

Maybe you don’t know that but there are lots of souls like us around the world and this movie is a proof you can find people with the same alternative thinking as yours at your doorstep. Take Sardinia for example, it’s a place known for tourism mostly but there’s so much more, like the Rete Eco Sarda (Eco Sardinian Web) that connect many nomads, people living on camper, vans, ecovillages, people who don’t want to conform on that 9 to 5 office work, people who don’t want to consume more than they need, people who still believe in strong connection with other humans and wild nature.

Because if one thing is certain is that WE ARE NOT MAINSTREAM.

We are new thinkers,

we are a multitude.

After listening to Elia said something really powerful in his interview:

Time is no longer sold to third parties, time is our art of living.

Time is actually how we choose to live our life. Period.

If we use time in something that is not good for us or for others we are wasting time, so we are wasting our life.

I know it’s easier to say than to act like that but we should live in the present moment, as we have only 5 minutes left in our life.

Maybe we should set our minds on a different perspective: to be less worry on the mistakes we made in the past but to focus on how we are actually feeling now. Searching for that inner sense of peace if we want to do something good in our lives.

It seems we worry about the mistakes we make because of what others might think of us. But are we doing the things we do for others or for ourselves?

Have you considered how much of our energies we waste in the hope to be accepted by others?

Maybe it’s time to reconsider all that. As if the pandemic and the Ukrainian war weren’t clear enough as massages here you have it:

Live your life fully, do not delegate who you are to others.

Even more:

Do as little as you can in whatever thing society try to get us in.

Do as much as you can to create with your own energy, to think with your mind, to do things your way

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