Germany to Reintroduce Border Controls Amid Migration Concerns

It’s the beginning of the end for free travelling around the EU?

German police at the border – copyright BBC

Germany has announced plans to reintroduce temporary controls at all its land borders starting September 16, 2024. This decision, announced by Interior Minister Nancy Faeser, aims to curb irregular migration and enhance national security. The controls will initially last for six months, with the possibility of extension.

Reasons Behind the Decision

The move comes in response to recent extremist attacks and rising political pressure from far-right parties. A deadly knife attack by a Syrian asylum-seeker in Solingen, which resulted in three deaths, has intensified the debate on immigration. Additionally, the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party has gained significant ground in recent state elections, further pushing the government to take stricter measures.

Impact on Migrants

The reintroduction of border controls is expected to have several implications for migrants:

  1. Increased Scrutiny: Migrants will face more rigorous checks at the borders, potentially leading to longer wait times and more thorough inspections.
  2. Rejections at Borders: The German government plans to allow local authorities to directly reject and turn away migrants at the borders, especially those who have already sought asylum in another EU country. This could lead to a higher number of migrants being sent back to their previous point of entry.
  3. Legal Challenges: The new measures could face legal challenges, particularly from human rights organizations and neighboring countries.
  4. Strain on Neighboring Countries: Countries like Poland and Austria have already expressed concerns about the increased burden of migrants being turned away by Germany.

European Unity at Stake

Germany’s decision is also testing European unity, as most of its neighbours are part of the Schengen Area, which allows for visa-free travel across member states. The reintroduction of border controls, even temporarily, challenges the principles of free movement within the EU and has sparked criticism from neighbouring countries.

As the recent German far right hails ‘historic’ election victory in east wasn’t enough a sign of the country going proudly towards a more strict policy against immigrants, this is the another proof. You can read about this victory in this article from BBC.


Germany’s move to tighten border controls reflects the growing tension between national security concerns and the principles of free movement within the EU. While it aims to address immediate security threats and political pressures, the decision will undoubtedly impact migrants and test the solidarity of European nations.

What Europe will do?

Will other countries follow Germany or not?

Watch this video from DW News to know more

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